Торт бисквитный с белковым кремом и фруктовой начинкой

Торт бисквитный с белковым кремом и фруктовой начинкой

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На протяжении всего технологического процесса производства кондитерского изделия No. Готовый продукт подлежит выборочному контролю качества, с записью результатов в журнал. Технологический процесс должен соответствовать требованиям техники безопасности и типовым инструкция по охране труда для работников предприятий торговли и общественного питания.

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Fruit filling. Flour, premium.

Нереально вкусный, быстрый домашний торт \

Powdered sugar. Potato starch. Cognac or dessert wine. Essence of rum. Vegetable fats, g. Carbohydrates, g. Mono- and disaccharides, g. Alimentary fiber, g. Organic acids, g. Niacin equivalent, mg. Vitamin c, mg.

Vitamin e, mg. Without stopping whipping, hot sugar syrup, vanilla powder are introduced in a thin stream and beat for 3—7 minutes.

Торт бисквитный с белковым кремом и фруктовой начинкой

Before the end of whipping, add flour mixed with potato starch, essence and mix for no more than 15 seconds. Flour should be introduced in doses. The finished dough should be fluffy, well-saturated with air, evenly mixed, without lumps and have a creamy color. After that, the paper is removed, the biscuit is cleaned. The thickness of the biscuit is 30—40mm. The upper crust is smooth, thin, light brown in color. The crumb is porous, elastic, yellow.

Торт бисквитный с белковым кремом и фруктовой начинкой

The layers of biscuit semi-finished product are connected with fruit filling. The surface is decorated with protein cream and fruit. The side surface is finished with cream and biscuit crumbs. Packaging, labeling, storage and transportation should be carried out in accordance with requirements of TU. Log in. To get a calculation for or your specified output is required: 1 Sign up ; 2 having received a registration letter confirm your E-mail and phone number; 3 Sign in.

Weight 1 kg. List of recipes. Document for printing.